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As of today, roller skaters can train in Tallinn Arena parking lot

As of today, roller skaters can train in Tallinn Arena parking lot
Secretary General of the Estonian Roller Skaters Association, Jaanus Ritson, Evelin Ilves and the President of the Estonian Roller Skaters Association, Toomas Prangli, who works as a leading partner and sworn advocate at Sorainen Law Office
© Office of the President


An asphalt oval, 200 metres in length and with the dimensions of a roller skate track, was opened today in the car parking lot of Tallinn Arena. One of the promoters of roller skating, former president of the Estonian Roller Skaters Association, Evelin Ilves, was also present at the event.

The asphalt oval provides the opportunities for safe training and practising sprint distances in outdoor conditions. The oval was drawn onto the rear parking lot of Arena, which is closed for parking for vehicles on business days.

Everyone interested in roller skating was welcome today to test the oval and watch a demonstration competition; top Estonian roller skaters took part in the competition.

Office of the President
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