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President Ilves met with the Great Britain Minister of Foreign Affairs

President Ilves met with the Great Britain Minister of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, William Hague and President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
© Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The President of the Republic met with William Hague, Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, and discussed the future of NATO in Afghanistan and the budget policy of the European Union.

President Ilves thanked the Government of Great Britain for its excellent organisation of the Olympic Games and the assistance made available in British hospitals and rehabilitation care centres to Estonian soldiers who have been wounded in Afghanistan.

"Being countries with responsible budget policies, we share a common understanding regarding the expenditure policies of the European Union having to meet the current economic opportunities and the need to emphasise the importance of free competition instead of protectionism as the prerequisite for economic growth," Ilves told.

The Estonian President and his spouse will today take part in the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.

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