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President of the Republic met with the German Chancellor

This morning in Munich, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

At the meeting that lasted three-quarters of an hour, both parties acknowledged that the relations between Estonia and German are very good. Questions related to the future of the European Union were discussed, including issues related to the treaty establishing the European Constitution and a uniform energy policy. “The formation of a uniform energy market is extremely important for the welfare and security of Europe,” said President Ilves.

President Ilves acknowledged, “If, at the time of the accession referendum, support in Estonia for the European Union was one of the lowest among the new member nations, then today, the situation has changed and the support of the population is the highest of all the countries that joined in 2004.” German Chancellor Merkel noted, “Estonia has no problematic issues with the European Union”, and asked for Estonia’s support in advancing the treaty establishing the European Constitution during the German EU Presidency.

Both President Ilves and Chancellor Merkel also emphasized the importance of trans-Atlantic cooperation and acknowledged that the tensions that developed a few years ago between some European countries and the United States were regrettable and damaging to both parties.

Speaking of relations with Russia, both parties acknowledged that, despite problems, it is important to tie Russia to important questions such as the resolution of energy policies and key international issues.


Public Relations Department of the Office of the President
Kadriorg, 10 February 2007