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Aspen Institute Prague to acknowledge President Ilves with the Aspen Prague Award

The 2015 Aspen Prague Award is being presented to President Ilves for his outstanding contribution to democracy building and his successful and safe leadership of Estonia as a part of a united Europe; the award also acknowledges the Head of State for helping to maintain a strong Atlantic relationship between the countries of Europe and North America and for promoting regional cooperation between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright became the first recipient of the Aspen Prague Award in 2014; she received the award at the institute's annual conference from President Ilves.

The award will be presented to the Estonian Head of State at the Aspen Institute Prague annual conference. The 2015 conference will take place in Prague on 20 October 2015.

Aspen Institute Prague is an independent, non-partisan organisation, established in 2012, to promote the values of democracy, democratic leadership and international understanding, and to facilitate the debate about important issues of society, politics and economy. For that purpose, the institute organises international conferences and issues various publications. The Aspen Prague Award is presented to an individual or group with proven excellence in promoting the underlying values of the Aspen family, including social, political and economic debate that relies upon European values.

Office of the President
Public Relations Department