- 23.08.2015 President Ilves to Polish Press Agency (PAP)
- 23.08.2015 "Prezydent Estonii: Europa musi się ocknąć, by stawić czoło zagrożeniom takim jak Rosja", TVN24
- 23.07.2015 „Estónsky prezident: Aj studená vojna mala pravidlá. Teraz je Rusko iné“, Pravda, 23.07.2015
- 22.07.2015 "Why Estonia’s not worried, despite its neighbor to the east", Reuters, 22 July 2015
- 13.07.2015 "In 140 Characters (#i140c): Toomas Hendrik Ilves", Berlin Policy Journal, July/August 2015
- 11.06.2015 "Il presidente dell’Estonia: «La Russia resta una minaccia per l’integrità dell’Europa»", Corriere della Sera, 11.06.2015
- 10.06.2015 "Estlands Präsident stellt Griechenland-Hilfe infrage", Die Zeit
- 21.04.2015 "The Estonia Model: Why a Free and Secure Internet Matters", Wilson Center
- 11.04.2015 "Sitting near a nuclear tripwire, Estonia's president urges Nato to send troops to defend his country", The Telegraph
- 09.04.2015 "Inside the Kremlin’s hall of mirrors", The Guardian