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President Ilves: 11 September 2001 was a declaration of war on all of us

President Ilves: 11 September 2001 was a declaration of war on all of us
Evelin Ilves and President Toomas Hendrik Ilves at a memorial concert in St. Nicholas Church
© Andres Putting (Delfi)


President Toomas Hendrik Ilves will today participate at a memorial concert in St. Nicholas Church, Tallinn, to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks in the United States of America in 2001.

“Ten years ago, on September 11 2001, we were attacked by evil. Attacks against New York and Washington represented attacks against the democratic world. War against the United States of America is a declaration of war on all of us. By standing beside the USA with our allies we uniformly stood up for ourselves, as we know and believe one of the baseline principles of NATO: an attack against any one of us represents an attack against all of us,” told the Estonian Head of State. According to him:

“Battle with evil is not revenge. This was and is a battle with fanatical, destructive hatred, which destroyed Afghanistan as a state, weakened the region in general and threatened and still threatens the security of democratic countries.

We have won complicated battles, but we have not yet won the war against evil, which broke out 10 years ago. The enemy has attacked us, in Europe also, and we have suffered losses – innocent men, women and children were killed in both London and Madrid. But our decisiveness and unity is also our strength. And also in understanding that new sources of terror will not emerge and old ones can be banished by supporting freedom wherever it emerges; by helping to build up countries that need and want our assistance; by offering opportunities to people who live in conditions that spawn malice and evil.”


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