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President Ilves awards the attributes of a general to the Commander of the Defence Forces, Mr. Ants Laaneots

President Ilves awards the attributes of a general to the Commander of the Defence Forces, Mr. Ants Laaneots
The President, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, presented the Commander of the Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Ants Laaneots with the attributes of his new rank – the general’s shoulder straps
© Toomas Volmer


Today in Kadriorg, the President, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, promoted the Commander of the Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Ants Laaneots, to the rank of a general on the eve of Victory Day, and he presented him with the attributes of his new rank – the general’s shoulder straps.

“A political decision that was made five years ago was borne as a result of the co-operation between all the political parties – to promote Mr. Ants Laaneots to the position of Commander of the Defence Forces. It has been tested by time and found to be of value,” President Ilves told.

“General Laaneots, who is one of the men who re-established the Estonian Defence Forces, has once again proven his professionalism, commitment and passion, and our defence forces have notably progressed and been strengthened,” the Head of State acknowledged.

Mr. Ants Laaneots’s term as Commander of the Defence Forces will end in December of this year.


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