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President Ilves met with senators of the United States of America

President Ilves met with senators of the United States of America © Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia


The President, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, met today with four members of the United States Senate, who are visiting a number of European countries.

The Estonian Head of State described the recent enforcement of the START agreement as important, but he also emphasised that some progress will be needed in the sphere of tactical nuclear weapons and conventional weapons control.

“After the enforcement of the new START treaty, it is important to restore the CFE regime and also considerably reduce the number of non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe,” President Ilves stated.

The United States senators, Mr. Jon Kyl (Arizona), Mr. Jeff Sessions (Alabama), Mr. Ron Johnson (Wisconsin), and Mr. Mike Crapo (Idaho), who belong to either justice, financial, armed forces or budget committees of the House of the Congress, were present at the meeting at which cyber security as one of the most important security threats of the modern world was discussed. Before coming to Estonia, the senators visited Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Georgia. In Estonia, they will visit the NATO Centre of Excellence for Co-operative Cyber Defence and meet with Mr. Andrus Ansip, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defence, Mr. Mart Laar.


Office of the President
Public Relations Department
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