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President Ilves to acknowledge volunteers on Sunday


This Sunday, 5th December at 1 pm, Estonia’s Volunteers of the Year will be announced in the Conference Centre Athena, Tartu, and they will be recognised and thanked at a national event. The Head of State, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who is also the patron of the event, will be present to congratulate the volunteers.

This year, above all, the volunteers who comprise of mentors, tutors, or organisers are being acknowledged for their contribution to the development of voluntary activities in Estonia.

In total, 15 people are being acknowledged, including people from all over Estonia. The youngest to be acknowledged is 20 and the oldest is 78 years old. Those acknowledged include people working with young people and organisers of the activities of youth organisations, promoters of local life, volunteers from charity organisations, leaders from the self-aid movement of the elderly, and people who help those weaker than us.

The volunteers of the year were chosen from among 40 nominees by a nine-member committee, which consisted of the representatives of non-government organisations and the public sector.

The event will be hosted by Ms Ly Mikheim, head of the Maarja Village, and Mr. Huko Laanoja, Development Manager; a band from Tartu, Pahad Seemned (the Bad Seed), will be performing.

A recording of a radio programme, Radio Night University, will take place within the framework of the event, and it will focus on issues related to voluntary activities. The President of the Republic, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, a volunteer, Ms Riina Varts, the Head of Palupõhja School of Nature, Mr. Robert Oetjen, and Mr. Marten Kaevats from Uue Maailma Selts (the New World Society) will participate in the discussions.

The international day of volunteers is celebrated every year on 5th December. In Estonia, the tradition of celebrating the day began back in 2005. 2011 will also be a year dedicated to voluntary activities in Europe.

NB! Journalists who would like to cover the event are kindly asked to give notice of their presence and possible intent to take interviews (the event will last for 3 hours; we can suggest a suitable opening for interviews) by e-mailing This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by calling 56 489 202. The event will take place at 1 pm in Conference Centre Athena, Küütri 1, Tartu.


Office of the President
Public Relations Department
Phone +372 631 6229