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President Ilves sent a message of condolence to Dmitri Medvedev


President Toomas Hendrik Ilves sent a message of condolence to the President of the Russian Federation Dmitri Medvedev on Friday, on the occasion of the death of Alexius II, Patriarch of Moscow and All-Russia.

"I extend my sincerest condolences to every member of the Russian Orthodox faith and to the Russian people," President Ilves wrote. "It is with gratitude that I recall my last conversation with Alexius II this summer at his residence, which was an especially warm, sincere and spiritual meeting."

According to President Ilves, in their conversations and correspondence Alexius II always expressed a genuine interest in what was happening in Estonia, demonstrating a rare sense of understanding.

"It is deeply saddening that Alexius II was unable to once more visit Tallinn, his parents’ grave and the Kuremäe monastery, which were all of particular importance to him," President Ilves wrote. "I will always remember Alexius II as an especially wise man who was respected by people from the religious and secular worlds alike."


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