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News in pictures: President Ilves met at Apple with leaders of start-up companies


The President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, today visited the Apple campus in Silicon Valley, USA, which was the venue for the "Startup Europe comes to Silicon Valley" event aimed at bringing together representatives of European start-up companies, policy makers and American investors in order to develop trans-Atlantic communication and entrepreneurship.

"Silicon Valley will definitely benefit from the co-operation of new generation start-up companies and vice versa," said the Estonian Head of State; his address focused on introducing the principles of e-governance, trans-Atlantic co-operation and the current disadvantages of the common European digital market.

According to President Ilves, cross-border application should be the future of national e-service, e-prescription being one of them. "It should be possible for all citizens to use their ID-card to buy their medications from any pharmacy anywhere in Europe. Everyone would benefit from such a solution; however, we still have a long way to go before these opportunities are realised," he stated.

Office of the President
Public Relations Department