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2012 Doctor of the Year is Dr Ilmar Kaur, a surgeon

2012 Doctor of the Year is Dr Ilmar Kaur, a surgeon © Rauno Volmar (Eesti Päevaleht)


This year, at the initiative of the Estonian Health Foundation and the portal, a Doctor of the Year was elected for the 11th time. A judge of panels, including Evelin Ilves, decided to award the title of 2012 Doctor of the Year to general surgeon Dr. Ilmar Kaur, who was chosen among the candidates suggested by patients.

"Awarding the title of Doctor of the Year to a young surgeon, whose patients compare him to the Maker himself and who is equally valued for his golden hands, golden heart and golden mouth, is an exceptional pleasure and I express my heartfelt gratitude for such an opportunity," told Evelin Ilves.

"I am extremely happy to be acknowledged by my patients at such a high level. This is a sign that I have done right by my work and done something that is useful for many; this inspires me to continue. Estonia has a great many doctors that are worth similar attention," confirmed Dr. Kaur. "A doctor is made good by his or her time dedicated to the profession, interest in work and results achieved, and respectful approach to patients; a good sense of humour is always an asset. I have had a number of good, credit worthy examples who have made me the doctor that I am today. Working in Estonia is dynamic, interesting, and sometimes complicated, but never a disappointment for me."

"Although the last year was difficult for the community of doctors, I am happy that the 2012 Doctor of the Year is a young man and surgeon, a person who implements new methods of treatment and who has the motivation to work in Estonia," told Eero Merilind, the Chairman of the Estonian Health Foundation. "This year's candidates for the title were characterised by their personal relationship with their patients and cases that require more complicated operative treatment. Apart from Dr. Kaur, who was chosen as Doctor of the Year, the list of candidates also included Professor Toomas Asser, Dr. Kahro Tall and Dr. Madis Rahu. Dr. Andri Meriloo, Kerli Jaagosild and Dr. Svea Rosenthal were among the suggested family doctors."

Dr. Ilmar Kaur graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of University of Tartu in 1998 and passed his term as a resident from 1999–2004 in the speciality of surgery. Today he is in charge of the Skin and Soft Tissue Oncology and the General Surgery and Bariatric Surgery Department.

The Doctor of the Year was chosen among the candidates suggested by a panel of judges, consisting of Evelin Ilves; Research Manager of the Centre of Cardiology of North Estonia Medical Centre, Professor Margus Viigimaa; Vice President of the International Union for Health Promotion, Dr. Anu Kasmel; and the Chairman of the Estonian Health Foundation, Dr. Eero Merilind.

The Estonian Health Foundation was established on 25 May 2007 as a citizens' initiative, with the aim to improve the health of the Estonian population, prolong the active period of life, promote a healthy lifestyle and disseminate information about health.

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