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Evelin Ilves watched puppet theatre performance with children’s hospital patients

Evelin Ilves watched puppet theatre performance with children’s hospital patients © Kalev Lilleorg (Naisteleht magazine)


Evelin Ilves, the patron of the "Helping Kids" charity campaign for Tallinn Children's Hospital today participated at the Share the Power of My Dream event, organised by Minu Unistuste Päev Foundation, where the children enjoyed the Estonian State Puppet Theatre's performance of A Shepherd Boy Becomes a King.

"Children in hospital seldom have a chance to enjoy a day of their dreams; for this reason, all events like this one represent a vitamin shot that brings rays of sun into hospital rooms and even help the children to get well sooner," Evelin Ilves told.

"A small girl who cried last night and was upset that no one would be coming to her birthday received the birthday party of her dreams with a cake baked by Anni Arro. Things like that are heart warming," added Evelin Ilves.

Minu Unistuste Päev (Share the Power of My Dream) is a charity foundation that organises different events for children in Estonian hospitals ( Aitan Lapsi (Helping Kids) is a charity organisation, which takes children, who would by otherwise unable to do so, to the theatre (

A similar event also took place this spring in Tartu.

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