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Evelin Ilves: patients will always recognise a good doctor

Evelin Ilves: patients will always recognise a good doctor
Dr. Urve Mardna, a gastroenterologist at East Tallinn Central Hospital, has been awarded the Doctor of the Year title by the Estonian Health Foundation.
© Marek Metslaid


Dr. Urve Mardna, a gastroenterologist at East Tallinn Central Hospital, has been awarded the Doctor of the Year title by the Estonian Health Foundation.

Mrs. Evelin Ilves presented Dr. Urve Mardna with a glass sculpture by Ivo Lill, which is traditionally awarded to all the Doctor of the Year nominees.

“People know quite a number of Dr. Mardnas, highly valued doctors who are characterised by their outspoken and sometimes even critical manner. Only a few of us know that Dr. Mardna, who is loved and appreciated by both her patients and colleagues, is a cherished and valuable support for her husband, Dr. Peeter Mardna, and son, Dr. Mihkel Mardna. The honour of becoming Doctor of the Year goes to Urve as the first nominee of this title from the family, with pleasure and for a reason,” told Mrs. Evelin Ilves. “Patients will always recognise a good doctor. They value and respect both her art as a doctor and communication skills and balance the relationship between a doctor and a patient. Our public space should show more appreciation to good doctors.”

This was the tenth successive Doctor of the Year, an award initiated by the Estonian Health Foundation and Internet portal Members of the panel of judges include the Research Director of the Clinic of Cardiology of North-Estonian Regional Hospital, Professor Margus Viigimaa, Vice President of the International Union for Health Promotion, Dr. Anu Kasmel, Chairman of Board of the Estonian Health Foundation, Dr. Eero Merilind, and Mrs. Evelin Ilves.

Dr. Urve Mardna worked as a gastroenterologist in the Tallinn Centre for Infectious Diseases from 1967, subsequently in Harjumäe Hospital and as a senior research specialist in the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine. She defended her candidate thesis in 1974 in the speciality of epidemiology of biliary tract diseases. Dr Urve Mardna has been working as a gastroenterologist at East Tallinn Central Hospital since 2001. Dr. Mardna is a member of the Estonian Association of Medical Doctors and the Estonian Society of Gastroenterology.


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