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Tallinn Children’s Hospital received a 79,200 EUR attachment to walk-assist robot

Tallinn Children’s Hospital received a 79,200 EUR attachment to walk-assist robot © Rauno Volmar (Eesti Päevaleht)


Additional orthosis for the walk-assist robot was officially unveiled today in Tallinn Children’s Hospital; this is a device that provides efficient rehabilitation treatment to young people aged 12-18. The value of the attachment was 79,200 Euros; the majority of this amount came from the excess that was left after the purchase of a walk-assist robot, which was acquired in winter for toddlers.

“Moving and social relations are highly important in the life of a teenager, as we all well know. Therefore, this makes it all the more pleasing that from today more efficient rehabilitation opportunities will be available to the patients of Tallinn Children’s Hospital and young people in this age group. Hopefully, the outcomes of the treatment will give the lives of many young people a brighter future,” told the patron of the Support Foundation of Tallinn Children’s Hospital, Mrs. Evelin Ilves. “The walk-assist robot is a highly welcome device in this building; approximately 80 kids and youngsters need the assistance of this device to acquire a proper walking pattern.“

The walk-assist robot for toddlers arrived at Tallinn Children’s Hospital this January; in total, 350,000 Euros was donated to buy the device. This was, to date, the largest Estonian charity project initiated by the private sector. 280,000 Euros of this amount was spent on purchasing the walk-assist robot, while 79,200 Euros was used to acquire a walk-assist orthosis for teenagers; the device can be adjusted to match the existing walk-assist robot.


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