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Mrs. Evelin Ilves met with the largest organic producers and processing companies

Mrs. Evelin Ilves met with the largest organic producers and processing companies © Siim Lõvi (Delfi)


Mrs. Evelin Ilves today participated in the opening event of the information distribution campaign “Goods with a Good Sign. Eco” in the restaurant “Leib Resto ja Aed”, where she met with the largest organic producers and processing companies in Estonia and acknowledged the efforts they have made, to date, in standing up for people’s health.

The Estonian Association of Biodynamics together with Estonian organic producers is to start the “Goods with a Good Sign. Eco” campaign to increase the interest and awareness of Estonian people regarding ecological labels and ecological products.

The objectives of the information distribution campaign were discussed at the meeting, which provided an overview of the history of the development of contemporary modern organic farming in Estonia and other countries of the world, the current situation in organic farming, the problems and challenges and the possibilities for introducing organic food to schools and kindergartens.


Office of the President
Public Relations Department
Phone 631 6229