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Picture news: President Ilves spoke about the challenges faced by Europe in the sphere of e-health

Picture news: President Ilves spoke about the challenges faced by Europe in the sphere of e-health © Aare Aruniit


The President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who led the European Union e-health work group in 2011-2012, spoke last night about the challenges faced in Europe in the sphere of e-health to the participants of the international health care conference, "Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health", which convened in Tallinn.

President Ilves introduced the main positions of the report of the European Union e-health work group, "Reorganisation of Health Care in Europe by 2020", which focuses on measures that the European Union Member States could adopt to ensure affordable health care of the best possible quality to European patients and would not place too heavy a burden on the economy of our countries, while keeping up with the development of medicine and information technology.

The OECD and the European Commission published a competitive analysis report on the implementation and adoption of ICT in the health care system in April this year; Estonia holds a leading position in the ranking, being ahead of 30 countries.

This year's tenth Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health conference will see discussions on the issues of health technologies and personalised medicine at an international level. The event is being organised by the Estonian HealthTech Cluster, which is an umbrella organisation that brings together various health care technology parties in Estonia.

The report by the European Union e-health work group, led by President Ilves and entitled Reorganisation of Health Care in Europe by 2012, is available in full on the website of the President. The introduction is translated into the Estonian language, while the full text of the report is available in English: http://www.president.ee/et/meediakajastus/intervjuud/8123-2012-10-31-14-53-20/

Additional information about Estonia's leading position in the sphere of e-health services: http://www.tehnopol.ee/et/Uudised/Arhiiv/1137/eesti-asub-e-tervise-teenuste-kasutuselevotus-euroopas-liidripositsioonil

Additional information about the conference: http://phealth2013.eu/

Additional information about the Estonian HealthTech Cluster: https://htcluster.eu/

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