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Candidatures for the Young Cultural Figure Award can be submitted until next Friday


Candidatures for the Young Cultural Figure Award of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic can be submitted until 18 May (incl. date on postal stamp).

A cultural figure of Estonian descent aged 35 or younger whose accomplishments in the field of creative arts have won wide recognition or who has, in his or her works or activities in the field of creative arts, considerably contributed to making Estonia and Estonian culture known in the world can apply for an award of 5,000 euros from the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic.

Candidates may be nominated by young cultural figures themselves and their supervisors, teachers, employers, and all associations operating in the field of culture, etc., as well as members of the Board of the Cultural Foundation. To apply, the following documents must be submitted: a written application with personal data and a short CV (name, address, education, professional career); a description of the creative work; recommendations by at least two recognised cultural figures or an artistic association and one recognised cultural figure.

All the documentation relevant to one's application for the Award should be submitted to the President of the Republic's Cultural Foundation (A.Weizenbergi 39, 15050 Tallinn), or signed digitally and sent to the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it -mail address.

Previous laureates of the Young Cultural Figure Award include composer Risto Joost (2011); editor of the Ööülikool (Night University) series Jaan Tootsen (2010); actor, theatre director and translator Marius Peterson (2009); poet Kristiina Ehin (2008); ballerina Luana Georg (2007); composer Helena Tulve (2006); theatre director Jaanus Rohumaa (2005); conductor Anu Tali (2004); literary critic Jan Kaus (2003) and composer Tõnu Kõrvits and folk musician Krista Sildoja (2002). In 2011, a special award was given to Igor Kotjuh, the poet, essayist, translator and individual who is shaping a society liberated from prejudice.

The Young Cultural Figure Award is financed by Indrek Neivelt, a member of the Board of the Cultural Foundation.

For additional information, please go to www.president.ee

Office of the President
Public Relations Department
Phone +372 631 6229