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2011 Christmas Card of the President

2011 Christmas Card of the President


The motive used on the President’s Christmas Card for this year promotes Estonia as a country that has taken its development to remarkable technological heights in the world.

The illustration on the President’s Christmas card, depicting Santa Clause’s reindeer using a iPad to find their way, combined with a square code printed onto the card that will run an electronic Christmas greeting from the President on smartphones, delivers the message of an e-country.

The paper version of the President's 2011  Christmas card, designed by the prize-winning illustrator Catherine Zarip, is based on Estonian folk motifs. The Christmas card was produced by Brand Manual and the card was designed by Dan Mikkin.

The E-card solution was delivered by digital agency Division Interactive. For the first time, a technical solution was designed with mobile communication tools in mind, and special alternative solutions were developed for that purpose. The QR-square that is printed on the back of the card can be used by smartphone users to enjoy the wonderful music of Arvo Pärt and Heldur Harry Põlda in an instant; they can also listen to the greeting of the president and re-send it to their friends and next of kin. Some of the universal free code scanners, which can be found using the key words "QR scanner”, need to be downloaded to smartphones in order to read the QR-code.

Apart from the e-cards, the President of the Republic will send 2,140 paper Christmas cards this year.

Anyone can watch and listen to the President’s e-card by running it in their own computers; The Estonian version is available at http://www.president.ee/christmas/et/ and the English version at http://www.president.ee/christmas/en/


Office of the President
Public Relations Department
Phone +372 631 6229