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President Ilves to award Young Scientist Award tomorrow to Mr. Bruno Mölder


This Thursday, 16th December, at 15:30 in Kadriorg, the President, Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, will award the Young Scientist Award of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic to Mr. Bruno Mölder.

Mr. Bruno Mölder’s field of study is theoretical philosophy, and in particular the philosophy of mind, which is one of the main spheres of analytical philosophy.  Philosophy of mind focuses on the place that a person’s mind or psyche has in the world, by viewing the subject from a world view, based on natural sciences.

This year, John Benjamins Publishing Company, the renowned publishers of research materials, published Mr. Bruno Mölder’s substantial monograph, in which he develops a particular version of interpretivism by presenting an original version – the ascription theory.

Mölder’s monograph is a further development of his doctoral thesis, which brought him the award for the best dissertation of Konstanz County in 2008.

Aside from research work, Mr. Bruno Mölder has mediated numerous analytical philosophy texts into the Estonian language and taught courses in epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind in Tartu University.

“Bruno Mölder is also worthy of the recognition because he has returned to Estonia after spending seven years studying in four of the highest ranking foreign universities, and he is now exercising the knowledge he has acquired to teach a new generation of Estonian philosophers. Therefore, he serves as a good example of a talent, who has returned home,” stated Professor Ms Margit Sutrop in her letter of recommendation, nominating Mr. Bruno Mölder as a candidate for the Young Scientist Award.


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