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President Ilves: Tiger Leap should continue as citizens’ initiative


“Even with today’s economic situation and widespread unemployment, Estonia’s IT sector still has a labour shortage,” President Ilves admitted. “This means that young people should be encouraged to focus more on engineering and development.” Speaking at the annual Tiger Leap conference on Friday, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves said that our courage to be innovative in spheres where others lack such willingness has always brought Estonia success.

“We have had the advantage of building a modern infrastructure from scratch since restoring independence,” said President Ilves. “Today, we have reached a stage where we are no longer limited with the presence of technical facilities and the skills required to use them. Every student’s access to a computer and Internet is as natural today as having a lamp in the ceiling of the classroom,” he added.

The Head of State emphasised that the main task now is to use the technological readiness in a way that is the most beneficial for the state as a whole and for everyone.

“Even with today’s economic situation and widespread unemployment, Estonia’s IT sector still has a labour shortage,” President Ilves admitted. “This means that greater emphasis should be given to teaching real sciences and computer science in general education schools; young people should be encouraged to focus more on engineering and development.”

“If we want to remain an outstanding IT country, we have to understand that young people must take the first steps in getting to know computers and computer languages as early as possible,” admitted President Ilves, as he acknowledged the efforts of the Tiger Leap Foundation in this sphere.

“Tiger Leap is certainly one of the most unique citizens’ initiatives and, therefore, Tiger Leap should continue,” said the Head of State.

According to President Ilves, as with the launching of Tiger Leap fifteen years ago, today we should together consider how best to move forward from here. “For Tiger Leap to have the same value in the future and for it to be the embodiment of courageous initiative, we must give the leap new meaning together, so we may cope with ever-changing functions.

President Ilves, who is also the patron of the Tiger Leap Foundation, presented the Tigers Achievers awards 2009 to the following individuals:

Mari Tõnisson, computer teacher at Tartu Hiie School and computer science co-ordinator of the School Life project
Tiia Salm, Elementary Studies and Human Health Studies teacher at Jäneda School
Tuuli Koitjärv, Primary School Teacher and Educational Technologist at the Old Town Educational College
Leo Võhandu, Professor Emeritus
The National Examinations and Qualifications Centre
Tallinn Secondary Science School

See also: www.tiigrihype.ee.

Office of the President
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