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Mait Müntel is presented with President of the Republic’s Cultural Foundation’s Young Scientist Award

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Young Scientist Award goes to Mait Müntel
© Toomas Volmer


President Toomas Hendrik Ilves yesterday acknowledged young physicist Mait Müntel, by presenting him with the President of the Republic’s Cultural Foundation’s Young Scientist Award. The award was presented for the tenth time.

“I have the great pleasure of presenting this year’s Young Scientist Award to Mr. Mait Müntel,” said President Ilves. “Now, as we have finally realised that quantum mechanics and relativity theory cannot fully explain the principles for the functioning of the universe, the experiments with the LHC accelerator and Mr. Mait Müntel’s research are highly important. Mr. Müntel investigates the most urgent scientific issues of today.”

Mr. Mait Müntel thanked the President of the Republic’s Cultural Foundation for the recognition and emphasised that the award belongs to a group of scientists who are conducting investigation on this problem. “A young scientist in his thirties is actually only starting his or her career; all the big inventions await him or her,” said Mr. Müntel. “A scientist will need some time framework, if only to understand the purpose and meaning of the outcome of the research.”

Mr. Mait Müntel defended his doctoral dissertation in 2008 in Tartu University, the subject of the paper was “Detection of Double-Charged Higgs’s Boson on CMS-Detector”.

The amount of the Young Scientist Award of the President of the Republic’s Cultural Foundation is 75,000 EEK, and it is financed by entrepreneur Toomas Luman.


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