In English president 2016-10-05T12:51:35Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Piltuudis: President Ilves külastas Riigi Infosüsteemi Ametit 2016-10-05T12:35:26Z 2016-10-05T12:35:26Z Rika Margat <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves tänas Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti (RIA) ametnikke, tunnustades nende innovaatorlikkust. "Peate arendama nii teenuseid kui ka tagama nende turvalisuse ja seda pidevas võidujooksus ajaga. Olete Eesti maine hoidmise eesliin," ütles riigipea.</p> <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves tänas Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti (RIA) ametnikke, tunnustades nende innovaatorlikkust. "Peate arendama nii teenuseid kui ka tagama nende turvalisuse ja seda pidevas võidujooksus ajaga. Olete Eesti maine hoidmise eesliin," ütles riigipea.</p> Президент Ильвес: Совет по государственной обороне играет важную содержательную роль в системе гособороны Эстонии 2016-10-04T14:07:39Z 2016-10-04T14:07:39Z Rika Margat <p>Президент Тоомас Хендрик Ильвес в последний раз в качестве главы государства собрал заседание Совета по государственной обороне, главной темой которого стало знакомство с новым базовым документом политики безопасности Эстонии.</p> <p>Президент Тоомас Хендрик Ильвес в последний раз в качестве главы государства собрал заседание Совета по государственной обороне, главной темой которого стало знакомство с новым базовым документом политики безопасности Эстонии.</p> President Ilves: National Defence Council represents an important and substantial influence on national defence in Estonia 2016-10-04T14:07:04Z 2016-10-04T14:07:04Z Rika Margat <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves summoned a session of the National Defence Council for the last time as Head of State, with the headline issue to introduce the new security policy source document of Estonia.</p> <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves summoned a session of the National Defence Council for the last time as Head of State, with the headline issue to introduce the new security policy source document of Estonia.</p> Фотоновость: Эстонский союз хлеба подарил президентской чете хлеб нового урожая 2016-10-04T12:08:58Z 2016-10-04T12:08:58Z Rika Margat <p>По случаю Всеэстонской недели хлеба представители Эстонского союза хлеба подарили президенту Тоомасу Хендрику Ильвесу и Иеве Ильвес в Кадриорге большую буханку хлеба нового урожая.</p> <p>По случаю Всеэстонской недели хлеба представители Эстонского союза хлеба подарили президенту Тоомасу Хендрику Ильвесу и Иеве Ильвес в Кадриорге большую буханку хлеба нового урожая.</p> News in pictures: Estonian Association of Bakeries presents the presidential couple with bread made from freshly-harvested crops 2016-10-04T12:08:25Z 2016-10-04T12:08:25Z Rika Margat <p>The representatives of the Estonian Association of Bakeries took a large loaf of bread, baked from freshly-harvested crops, to President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Ieva Ilves in Kadriorg today to celebrate national bread week.</p> <p>The representatives of the Estonian Association of Bakeries took a large loaf of bread, baked from freshly-harvested crops, to President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Ieva Ilves in Kadriorg today to celebrate national bread week.</p> President Ilves: Riigikaitse Nõukogu on Eesti riigikaitse oluline ja sisuline mõjutaja 2016-10-04T14:07:31Z 2016-10-04T14:07:31Z Rika Margat <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves kutsus riigipeana viimast korda kokku Riigikaitse Nõukogu istungi, mille peateemaks oli uue Eesti julgeolekupoliitika alusdokumendi tutvustamine.</p> <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves kutsus riigipeana viimast korda kokku Riigikaitse Nõukogu istungi, mille peateemaks oli uue Eesti julgeolekupoliitika alusdokumendi tutvustamine.</p> Piltuudis: Eesti Leivaliit kinkis presidendipaarile uudseleiva 2016-10-04T12:08:09Z 2016-10-04T12:08:09Z Rika Margat <p>Üle-eestilise leivanädala puhul kinkisid Eesti Leivaliidu esindajad täna president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesele ja Ieva Ilvesele Kadriorus suure pätsi uudseleiba.</p> <p>Üle-eestilise leivanädala puhul kinkisid Eesti Leivaliidu esindajad täna president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesele ja Ieva Ilvesele Kadriorus suure pätsi uudseleiba.</p> Президент Ильвес поздравил Керсти Кальюлайд, избранную главой Эстонского государства 2016-10-03T11:54:24Z 2016-10-03T11:54:24Z Rika Margat <p>Президент Тоомас Хендрик Ильвес поздравил Керсти Кальюлайд, которая сегодня была избрана в Рийгикогу 81 голосом следующим главой Эстонского государства.</p> <p>Президент Тоомас Хендрик Ильвес поздравил Керсти Кальюлайд, которая сегодня была избрана в Рийгикогу 81 голосом следующим главой Эстонского государства.</p> President Ilves congratulated Kersti Kaljulaid on being elected the new Head of State 2016-10-03T11:54:38Z 2016-10-03T11:54:38Z Rika Margat <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves congratulated Kersti Kaljulaid, who was elected the next Head of State of Estonia by the Riigikogu with 81 votes.</p> <p>President Toomas Hendrik Ilves congratulated Kersti Kaljulaid, who was elected the next Head of State of Estonia by the Riigikogu with 81 votes.</p> President of the Republic at the opening of the Estonian National Museum building, 29 September 2016 in Raadi, Tartu 2016-09-29T16:46:57Z 2016-09-29T16:46:57Z Rika Margat <p>Fellow Estonians,<br />Dear Friends,</p> <p><br />The Estonian National Museum finally has a home of its own.</p> <p>With the completion of this building, our debt to those individuals who cared deeply about the preservation of Estonian culture and language and who built a foundation for our independence has been repaid.</p> <p>More than 100 years ago, vision and bold ideas from people like Jakob Hurt, Oskar Kallas, Villem Reiman and Jaan Tõnisson, and Kristjan Raud and Matthias Johann Eise paved Estonia's way to statehood. Alongside them stand countless legions of Estonians whose efforts to collect artefacts and folklore, much of it on a volunteer basis, helped furnish the museum with content.</p> <p>The Estonian National Museum's new home is also a debt of gratitude to those who kept Estonia alive in darker, more difficult times and nurtured our hopes. In spite of the vagaries of history and others' dark designs on Estonia, we did not forsake our ideals and our determination.</p> <p>Fellow Estonians,<br />Dear Friends,</p> <p><br />The Estonian National Museum finally has a home of its own.</p> <p>With the completion of this building, our debt to those individuals who cared deeply about the preservation of Estonian culture and language and who built a foundation for our independence has been repaid.</p> <p>More than 100 years ago, vision and bold ideas from people like Jakob Hurt, Oskar Kallas, Villem Reiman and Jaan Tõnisson, and Kristjan Raud and Matthias Johann Eise paved Estonia's way to statehood. Alongside them stand countless legions of Estonians whose efforts to collect artefacts and folklore, much of it on a volunteer basis, helped furnish the museum with content.</p> <p>The Estonian National Museum's new home is also a debt of gratitude to those who kept Estonia alive in darker, more difficult times and nurtured our hopes. In spite of the vagaries of history and others' dark designs on Estonia, we did not forsake our ideals and our determination.</p>